Martina Riescher was born in a small town in the German Alps in 1967. She has been interested in art ever since she was able to hold a pencil. Family members such as her uncle and her great uncle, who was a painter, helped her grow this passion during her childhood.
From 1990 to 1994 she attended the Academy of Fine Arts Rome, receiving an academic degree in painting.
As early as 1993, the concept of “space” has been for her a political place for the exchange of experiences and feelings, which gives all those who want to help shape it the opportunity to develop. The Italian artist Claudio Pieroni followed this idea in 1995. Together they have been working for several years on installations of an „ideal city“ on the threshold between reality and utopia.
Parallel to the “Ideal City” she started working on self-portraits. The often ironic photo collages are linked to collective or personal memories. In these dream worlds, time and space are networked in a surreal flow of images. Between archetypes, historical objects and figures and snapshots from her life, she searches for herself in a continuous change of perspective.
Since 2010, her projects have increasingly developed into participatory works, in which the viewer has a decisive influence on the work. The works are primarily food for thought. With her installations she creates the necessary framework conditions in which the viewer can actively participate in the creative act and contextualize and change her works based on his own understanding.
Her latest projects focus on highly topical political and social issues such as the living conditions of the victims after the earthquake in the Italian Province of L’Aquila, the ever-increasing waste problem in Senegal. In art campaigns in Munich she tried to sensitize the public to the topic of Europe and the living conditions of the Syrian refugees. In her ongoing participating projects in Senegal, Italy and Turkey, she is working to create cross-border, sustainable connections and cultural interactions between all people significantly involved in the project against the background of common humanity.
Exhibition Catalogue “L’utopia praticabile, ipertesti metropolitani”, essays by F. Briguglio and P. Ferri, october 2016, edited by Gangemi Editore International Publishing, Rome
Exhibition Catalogue Jahresgaben Kunstraum, 21 Leuchtobjekte, curated by E. Barsi, 11 december 2015, edited by Kunstraum.e.V., Munich
Critiques E. Vogel, “Von blink-blink bis plemplem”, in Kultur R7 München, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12/13 december2015
Exhibition Catalogue “Musica con vista”, curated by Patrizia Ferri with Pio Monti, edited by Gallery Pio Monti, Rome, September 2014
Press release M. de Candia, “Musica con vista”, in “TrovaRoma, Arte – le gallerie”, („La Repubblica”), 24 september 2014
Critiques “Musica con Vista”, rai news – arte e poesia, 24 september 2014
Press release M. de Candia, “Heart”, in “TrovaRoma, Arte – le gallerie”, („La Repubblica”), 30 january 2014
Critiques P. Ferri, “Heart”, edited by AOC-Galleria Bruno Lisi, Rome, february 2014
Press release D. Bäumer, “Verständnis-Verständigung-Verbindungen”, Jahresaustellung der GEDOC München im Pädagogischen Institut, in ARTMuc, Magazin für Kunst und aktuelle Ausstellungen in München, Titel/Hintergrund, april 2013
Exhibition Catalogue “After: per un nuovo disegno di vita, proposte per la ricostruzione dell’Aquila”, with essays of Patrizia Ferri, Walter Veltroni, Enzo Scandurra, edited by Gangemi Editore, july 2012
Exhibition Catalogue “Femmine folli”, curated by M. de Candia , P. Ferri, Hyunnart Studio, Rome, april 2010
Exhibition Catalogue “Martina Riescher. Eyes to touch hands to see”, curated by P. Ferri, published by Galleria Giulia, Rome, march 2010
Press release M. de Candia, “Martina Riescher”, “TrovaRoma, Arte – le inaugurazioni”, („La Repubblica”), 11 march 2010
Press release M. de Candia, “Martina Riescher”, “TrovaRoma, Arte – le gallerie”, („La Repubblica”), 18 march 2010
Critique L. De Sanctis, “La primavera dell’Arte – Da Antonis Donef a Martina Riescher, da Nicola Bolla a Ettore Frani”, “La Repubblica”, Rome – giorno & notte, sabato 20 march 2010, pag. XIV
Press release “Martina Riescher – eyes to touch hands to see”, “Il Giornale dell’Arte, Vedere a Roma”, n° 19 april 2010
Press release “Martina Riescher”, Arte e Roma (supplemento di Arte e Critica), april – may 2010
Exhibition Catalogue “Take the space”, curated by P. Ferri, published by Gangemi, december 2009
Exhibition Catalogue “Translating rooms. Nuove ecologie dell’abitare”, essays by F. Briguglio e P. Ferri, published by Gangemi, june 2008
Essay P. Ferri, “OmsweetOm”, “Translating rooms”, published by Gangemi, june 2008
Exhibition Catalogue “Vedere la normalità”, FotoGrafia 2008 Festival Internazionale di Rome – Circuito Gallerie, curated by Marco Delogu, zoneattive edizioni, Rome, april 2008
Exhibition Catalogue “Camminare a piedi nudi nella neve e cercare frutta fresca nel giardino paterno”, curated by P. Ferri, F. Pezzini, C. Sarzini, published by cultural association “Tra le volte”, Rome, april 2008
Press release A. Veracchi, “Fotografia Festival: Camminare a piedi nudi nella neve”, “Roma c’è”, anno XIV, n. 648, mercoledì 2 april 2008
Press release M. de Candia, “Martina Riescher”, “TrovaRoma”, ( „La Repubblica”), 3 april 2008
Critique “Rome Festival Fotografia: Francesco Pezzini e Cesare Sarzini”, calendario eventi – Arte e cultura del giornale on-line “Italiani – ACT per italiani all’estero”,, 3 april 2008
Critique R.M., “Nel volto della Riescher i gessi diventano icone”, “La Repubblica”, Roma – giorno & notte, giovedì 10 april 2008, pag. XVII
Exhibition Catalogue Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea di Erice G. Perricone, Nuova Collezione, curated by P. Ferri, Gangemi Published byre, october 2007
Essay G. Politi, “Pieroni & Riescher”,“Speciale Roma, Dizionario della Giovane Arte Romena (parte I), in “Flash Art”, anno XL, n° 265, august – september 2007
Essay “G.R.A._ una città anulare e non solo…”, “professionearchitetto – mostre”,, 25 june 2007
Essay “L’utopia praticabile ipertesti metropolitani”, “Controluce” – mensile digitale di cultura e attualità dei Castelli Romeni e Prenestini,, june 2007
Press release Candia e P. Ferri, “Nerve”, “K’tvehi – articolo”,, december 2006
Essay “Plafonds e planchers, translating rooms – microarchitetture d’autore per una nuova ecologia dell’abitare”,, 18 march 2005
Exhibition Catalogue “Terza Biennale Libro d’ Artista Città di Cassino”, curated by T. Pollidori, L. Rea; in collaboration with Sovrintendenza alla Galleria Nazionale d’ Arte Moderna, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, published by Comune di Cassino, Assessorato alla Cultura, july 2003
Exhibition Catalogue „SHARJAH INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL 6“, curated by Hoor Al-Qasimi e Peter Lewis, published by Sharjah Internatinal Biennial, 2003
Press release “U.S, British artists defy war threat – Big response to Sharjah Biennial.”, “M2 Presswire”, 17 february 2003
Press release I. Mojib, „Artisis from 25 countries take part in Sharjah Int‘ Biennial“, „The Gulf today“, pag. 1-2, VoL7, No. 360, ) april 2003
Press release „Sharjah Ruler opens Biennial“, „Gulf news“, Emirates pag. 4, Voi. 25, No 192, 9 april 2003
Press release A. Carver, “Sharjah geraet ins Auge des Kunst-Sturms“, Universes in Universe – Welten der Kunst, published by Pat Binder & Gerhard Haupt, 2003
Press release „Pieroni & Riescher, 6th Sharjah Biennial“, Universes in Universe, 2003
Exhibition Catalogue „Arte/Architettura/Città: Forum, progetti e altro, 38 proposte per la sistemazione di Piazza Augusto Imperatore a Rome“, curated by M. Crescentini, E. Crìspolti, P. Rossi; Prospettive Edizioni, Rome, june 2003
Exhibition Catalogue “Mediterraneo o l’oblio dell’essere”, curated by G. Pedicini e R. Conte, Ed. La Scarna, Ponza, june 2000
Press release M. de Candia, “Un altro millennio”, in “TrovaRoma”, („La Repubblica”), n° 569, 3 february 2000
Exhibition Catalogue “Arte contemporanea – Lavori in corso 7”, curated by G. Bonasegale, M. Catalano, Ed. De Luca, Rome, june 1999
Exhibition Catalogue and essay “Via dalle immagini – leaving pictures”, curated by S. Puglia, Ed. Menabè, Salerno, february 1999
Exhibition Catalogue “Claudio Pieroni – Mnemiophis”, P&R CHIUDOGLIOCCHI curated by M. Riescher, curated by M. de Candia, S. Cappelletto, cultural association ”Lo Studio”, Rome, november 1998
Press release “Sgarbi copmpra”, „Corriere di Rimimi”, Società e Cultura, anno IV, n° 180, pag. 33, 30 june 1996
Press release R. Giannini, “legno e ceramica ecco antichi tesori”, “Corriere di Rimimi”, Società e Cultura, anno IV, n° 179, 29 june 1996
Exhibition Catalogue “I sentieri del fuoco”, curated by B. Tosi and E. Marano, Ed. Essegi, june 1996
Exhibition Catalogue “SBC European Art Competition 1995. The finalists”, curated by A. Berthoud, J.M. de Charriere, I. Goldschneider, R.M. Letts, M. Lores, W.Packer and K. Weschke, published by Corporate Communication, SBC Warburg, London, 1995
Press release P. Balmas, “Europa – America, atto secondo”, in «TrovaRoma“,(“La Repubblica”), n. 310, 14 february 1994
Exhibition Catalogue “Arte Proposte 1993”, curated by F. Ruggiero, F. Galadini, Rome, june 1993